"Like an Ayckbourn play finished by J.M.Barrie" THE SUNDAY TIMES

After so many years of being the dutiful and busy vicar's wife Grace is now bereft of husband, home and job. What was the point of it all? But she’s relishing her newfound freedom - "I've made four thousand six hundred medium sized quiches and personally baked two tons of light crust pastry. And for what?". The return of her eccentric missionary sister, Ruth brings disturbing revelations - everyone has secrets - but throughout, the laughter constantly bubbles up, revealing a witty, perceptive and very funny script

Set in a classic English vicarage garden complete with a grass-banked stream and willow, the play is filled with sharp-edged comedy and probing wit. “Entertaining Angels” began life by opening the main 2006 season at The Chichester Festival Theatre, playing to a record-breaking 26,000 people in just over 3 weeks. There followed a sell-out UK national tour playing to over 100,000 people.

The play has just celebrated its 200th production and we are delighted that the playwright, Richard Everett, will be giving a Q+A following the Friday performance.


Running time: 2h 15m including a 20 minute interval.

Wednesday – Friday at 7.45pm
Saturday – late matinee at 3.30pm

Dates and times

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